Item #745
Bee collection
Habitant sollicitudin faucibus cursus lectus pulvinar dolor non ultrices eget. Facilisi lobortisal morbi fringilla urna amet sed ipsum vitae ipsum malesuada. Habitant sollicitudin faucibus cursus lectus pulvinar dolor non ultrices eget. Facilisi lobortisal morbi fringilla urna amet sed ipsum
- Creature ID 745
- Blockchain Polygon
- Breeding info Parent
- Creature type Zunnie
- Creature rarity Common
Ability Cards

Deals 10 damage to a single target.
11-50% 15 damage,
51-80% 10 damage,
81-100% 5 damage

Arcane Blast
Deals 15 damage to a random enemy
11-50% 15 damage,
51-80% 10 damage,
81-100% 5 damage
Poison shield
Summons a poison shield for 2 turns, which gives unit imunity against poison attacks (they don't hit this target) and 20% damage resistance for 2 turns
11-50% 15 damage,
51-80% 10 damage,
81-100% 5 damage

Applies confusion to 3 random creatures for 2 turns. (can aslo effect your creatures) There is a 50% chance that the confused creature will attack a wrong target.
11-50% 15 damage,
51-80% 10 damage,
81-100% 5 damage
Sales History
Mason Woodward place a bid
4.89 POL
Mason Woodward place a bid
4.89 POL
Mason Woodward place a bid
4.89 POL
Mason Woodward place a bid
4.89 POL
Mason Woodward place a bid
4.89 POL
Mason Woodward place a bid
4.89 POL
Mason Woodward place a bid
4.89 POL
Mason Woodward place a bid
4.89 POL
Mason Woodward place a bid
4.89 POL
Mason Woodward place a bid
4.89 POL